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A Matter of Life and Death Album Artwork T-Shirt
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A Matter of Life and Death Album Artwork T-Shirt
Featuring the front cover of the 2006 album of the same name, this shirt had many variants due to the world tour that followed, although this is the design that has remained on sale afterwards due to it being based on the album art only and not specifically focusing on a specific event, tour or time period. The back of the shirt is a closeup of the tank's flag with no writing or otherwise, it features the skull Eddie in a helmet with the crossed guns, another symbol used often in merchandise surrounding this album and tour. The shirt is widely available due to it being from the latest studio album released by the band so it's not classified as rare, although production stopping and the large varieties in the artwork on differing manufactured variants of this design mean that it could be hard to get hold of this specific combination in the future.

Available at Amazon
Estimated value: £10-15 (New)
This item is still in production.
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