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Iron Maiden Album Artwork T-Shirt
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Iron Maiden Album Artwork T-Shirt
Although not a full reproduction of their first album artwork, this shirt contains the original Eddie depiction on it's front (with Eddie staring out and some of the wall behind him accompanied by the band logo being written vertically (in reverse) along the left hand side of the image) with a black background. There is no writing on the back on most versions, although some may have the band name written in different lettering, some being the official font while others are done in the font of 'Killers'. With a label displaying authenticity of the producer and the fact that they have licensed the right to produce it, this has been in production for a long time and is not considered rare due to it being licensed to many different producers worldwide in order to satisfy demand. An item that's likely to be in the clothing collection of most hardcore Maiden fans, it should be easy to find at a reasonable price by looking around the internet.

Available at Amazon
Estimated value: £15-20 (New)
It is unkown whether this item is still in production.
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